Friday, May 05, 2017

R&J in Shong-hi

May 6, 2017
Hello friends & family,
We are experimenting with ways to journal our adventures in May & June.  We are not sure who all can read this so we may have some creative spelling.

Yesterday was a long travel day but we are safely in our new "home".  This is a huge, modern, very Western city and yet, we are living in a poorer area and have not seen another white-faced person yet.  That said, we get a lot of looks from others on the streets.  ;)

OK...I'll stop and see how this first post goes.  More to come, we hope.
 Pic 1 is the front bldg of school where Rod will be teaching.
Pic 2 is side street we walk on to get from our hotel room to the school.

Pic 3 is the same road which also has a field of grapes that are sold later in the summer and in the background is a prison.  We heard prisoners exercising this morning around 6am.  The prison is right across the street from our hotel.